Sunday, April 20, 2008

Technology as the Anti-God

1.  God is perfect.

2.  God created humanity.

And the logical deduction is...

3.  Humanity is imperfect--thus, lesser than its creator, God.

And, I feel like a lot of the anxiety stemming from AI that I've seen in Asimov and other Science Fiction is this:

1.  Humanity is imperfect.

2.  Humanity creates Artificial Intelligence.

And, sort of following along the idea of the technological imperative, stating that anything that can be created, will be:

3.  Artificial Intelligence will eventually be perfect--thus, more than its creator, humans.

See, technology only moves in one direction: forward, towards perfection.  Humans don't consciously have that drive--sure, there's evolution, but who knows how long that will take to kick in?  So, there's this anxiety that the creation will overpower the creator.  Of course, Asimov has these laws in place that prevent that, but these laws are the very proof of that anxiety--the metal monster that wants to destroy humanity simply because it can.

I think this is an interesting view of technology--robots and God seem like they're at the opposite ends of a spectrum and humanity is in the middle, but as to what that spectrum as a whole is, I'm not sure.  Dignity?  Love?  Who knows.

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