Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Exam Blog

Should there be laws of humanics that should be “programmed” into humans? These laws of humanics would make humans treat other humans the same way robots treat other robots. Robots treat each other with respect and if humans did the same the world would be a much safer place. For example in “Bicentennial Man” some teenagers ask Andrew the robot to take himself apart. This shows how bad humans can treat robots. Yet, if the laws of humanics could be programmed into humans it would prevent this type of treatment towards robots and humans
The previous paragraph explains my views about how it is wrong to abuse robots. A rebuttal to my previous argument would be that robots are only scrap metal and they don’t have feelings. Robots should not have rights because their “life” purpose is to satisfy humans and obey our commands. Since robots are just property there should be no guidelines or rules of how they are treated. If someone wants to harm their robot or make it do destructive behavior to itself for entertainment it should be the owner’s choice. It is better for robots to cause self harm and harm to each other than it is for humans. Robots should not have rights because they are just machines that are human property.

Lyotard tried to answer the question, how can thought go on without a body? Lyotard suggest artificial intelligence to fix this problem. He suggests that A.I. is a way for humans to preserver their thoughts and memories after the sun explodes. Lyotard talked about how all human achievements are pointless due to the fact that one day the human race will end because of the death of the sun. This type of thinking that human achievement is irrelevant is not plausible. It is not realistic humans can not comprehend how long the billions of years are until the end of the world. His idea of saving human achievements in A.I. is a reasonably good idea. This will help ensure that if their is future life that they know our technology and our achievements.
An opposite view of this blog would be that human culture is pointless. That human culture and achievements will not go on after the world has ended. Humans should start living in the mind set of that nothing matters because one day the world will end. What is the point of doing great things and being considered a good person if it is not going to mean anything? Once the world ends if there is A.I. who is to say that they will carry on our culture instead of starting a new culture.

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