Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Are we cyborgs???

I remember in class on Tuesday we were discussing if we as humans are cyborgs. According to the dictionary, the term, cyborg is a cybernetic organism that has both artificial and natural systems. Scientific movies such as robocop portray cyborgs as half-man and half-robot. Well throughout history, we as humans have meet the criteria of cyborgs. One example is that when humans suffer a illness, we used some type of medical drugs to get better. We don't normally refer on our natural biological systems to get better. Another example is the food we consume to nourish our bodies. Every single food and beverage since the beginning of modern civilization. Louis Pasteur developed the first pasteurization of foods especially milk. Pasteurization is the process of heating liquids for the purpose of destroying viruses and harmful organisms such as bacteria, protozoa, molds, and yeasts. Athletes are one of the biggest example of cyborgs. Pitchers and Quarterbacks who suffering from an elbow injury usually get a suregrical procedures called john rider surgery. Athletes illegally taking steroids, Human Growth Hormones, and other performance enhance drugs to recover from injury rapidly in an unnatural matter or increase their game without going the hard work.

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