Sunday, April 06, 2008

AI Movie

I think that if a machine is going to be more human-like, one does need to start with a child form. Kids are not born as little adults. They become who they are by learning and watching others. Forming a robot that looks like an adult, but is naive like a child don't go well together. As we were watching the film one thing that I found little disturbing was the scene where Monica becomes David's "mommy". This made me think about older children who are adopted. A twelve year old is probably not going to step into a new family and instantly refer to their new parents as mom and dad. There won't be any words to have this suddenly happen. It will take trust and building a relationship. Really that would be true for any relationship with a child, no matter if it is an adoption situation or a biological child. The trust and bonding form or it doesn't. Something else that was a little disturbing too was David's quest to find the Blue Fairy. One can understand why he would want to find her, but on the other hand knowing that she is only a fairy tale is something that he had no idea about. Most four year old humans could tell you all you want to know about them. It is something they are exposed to from a very young age. It was a very sad ending for David to end looking for a way to be a real boy. It makes you wonder what kind of existence a human machine would really have.

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