Monday, April 14, 2008

Blog 11 : Robot Visions

Robot Visions is a time travel story with robots as the central characters, and a robot as the narrator. While traveling into the future, it is discovered that human-like robots are the only ones in existence. It seems as if there is an all robot future, with the disappearance of biological human beings completely. I found it very interesting that the story suggested it was the humaniform robots who were going to be responsible for preserving humanity. I got the sense that Asimov was suggestive of the fact that we need robots in case humanity dies out. It would then fall on the robots to carry on both our legacy, and our culture. In my opinion, the perfection of robots is exactly opposite of our culture. Humans are imperfect, and free will is essential to humanity. Robots don’t have that choice, therefore, they are not carrying on our culture. They are creating a completely new culture that is perfect in every sense of the word. The ideal future would be humans living in peace, but we all know that isn’t going to happen. So I guess the question Asimov leaves all of us with is: No life at all or humaniform robots?

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