Saturday, April 12, 2008

Journal Entry: Andrew

In class on Thursday, we had a discussion about the first 3 stories in Isaac Asimov's book, Robot visions. the class talk about key issues of Andrew's existence as a robot. One issue is about the recognition of Andrew's existence. What separates Andrew from the average is that like humans, Andrew have develop the imagination and believe that he deserves the same right as humans. He developed a self-awarenss as the individual that he is. What's in Andrew's memory data that is similar in a mind of a human is that he develop human cogintion. Like humans, Andrew has a variety of representations and are able to modified their behaviors based ideas and the power of free-will. The human brain is essential to humanity is because it represents the separation of human from robots and animals. The book mentions the three rules what robots must follow. The first rule is that robot can't harm a human being. The second rule is that all robots must follow the orders of their human masters as long they don't violate the first rule. Finally, the robot can protect its rights of existence as it doesn't the first 2 laws. This was the law that Andrew use to defend his arguement of him being consider as a human in a hearing with the World Court. The World Court ruled in favor of Andrew stating that Andrew is free since the Martin family haven't give him orders in over 20 years. And that the court have no right to deny freedom to any object with a mind advanced enough to grasp the concept and desire the state. We concluded the class discussion on the topic of mortality. Andrew asked for a surgery which makes him more moral than robot by making him die like a human being which he fully accepts mortality.

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