Thursday, April 11, 2013

Technology in the classroom

I just found this article very interesting when considering the video we just previously watched in class.  Many of these teachers agree that the attention spans of kids have increasingly gotten smaller as the years have past.  Kids need to be "entertained" says many of the teachers, which I find to be crazy.  I cant understand how our world is changing so drastically from year to year.  I remember when we used computers as a reward for doing something good in the classroom.  It was never used as a learning tool.  If things are getting bad now, what is going to happen 20 years from now?  How will teachers teach their students? Will we even have teachers or will it all be technology based?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In many of our education courses here at TMC they tell us that we have to contiunally change activites to keep students engaged or "entertained." At first i had the same response you did of this is crazy, technology is a reward. But the truth is, (i think these are the rough numbers i remember my teacher telling us) by the age of 30 or so, the average adult has had about 10 different jobs. This directly correlates with the classroom. The attention span of students is following them into their adult life. If we want them to pay attention and get the best education possible, we have to continually think of new ways to re-event the same information. I am still on the fence of wether this is a good or bad trait for our future society.