Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Across the generations

In chapter 10, Turkle talks about how people in the older generations have "came to online life as grown-ups" which is very interesting to me. In comparison to our generation, we have grown up with technology. I can't remember a time when I didn't have some form of technology in my life. There was always a t.v. around or a vhs/dvd. Then there were gameboys, cell phones, computers, laptops, etc. Thinking about how much life has evolved across the span of 20 years is just amazing and mind boggling at the same time. When you think about the past, the present, and then the future it's crazy. What new technology will we have then? What will our children grow up with? The future for technology seems limitless and yet the concern for technology to take over our world is growing constantly.

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