Friday, April 05, 2013

Friends vs. Phone

On page 175, Turkle was talking to a young woman named Julia. Julia states that when she feels a variety of emotions she'll pull out her phone and immediately text her friends to tell them how she feels. I found this quite entertaining because I am the exact opposite. If I'm feeling some sort of emotion I do pull out my phone to tell someone, but most of the time I will call them. I like having the personal connection of hearing someone's voice and genuine reactions to my news over the phone rather than waiting for them to respond via a text message. Julia went on to say that while she waits for a text back she often has unsettled emotions because she is so unsure of how people will respond to her. That is why I like to call someone, there is more of a personal connection with the person, you hear their genuine attitude, and you get the response you were looking for much quicker. Then I don't need to go around to all of the people in my life looking for a response because someone didn't answer, I just talked to the person on the phone, got the response, and now I can easily move on to the next thing I have planned for that day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wouldn't be telling the truth if I would say that I don't text people, but I also would say that I call much more often. When I do text I find that the time is only when I cannot speak on the phone because of some type of limitation. I also find the only time that I call is when I cannot actually visit that person physically. I do not understand how people can be so impersonal about such topics. I have been raised to embrace the personal time shared with people I care about and my friends all know this is how I feel.