Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A day Made of Glass

The link above is a video produced by the Corning Company (a touch screen technology company), about their predictions where the future will be in not too many years. Their vision of the future is an almost completely touch screen glass world. From dashboards to windows, from bus stops to cell phones everything thing in a persons life will be completely touch screen capable and interactive with all of their surroundings.
This type of world will be incredibly simple to operate and energy efficient. The solar cell technology will turn everyday households into self sustaining energy sources. Bigger buildings such as schools and grocery stores can produce an excess of energy for other buildings therefore actually becoming small power plants in the area. After watching the video do you think that this type of world is possible in the next twenty years as they predicted or do you think that this type of technology is too advanced to mass produce throughout the entire world.

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