Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mass Media in relation to nonsensical violence during the Modern Era

A multitude of tragic events over the last 5 years has many blaming mass media for giving those responsible a motive to commit these acts of violence. While this may have a small accuracy to it, it is not as extreme as most claim. In fact it is more accurate to say that mass media demotivates such acts of violence because of the strong solidarity response movements that follow. Take the most recent act of senseless violence, the Boston Marathon, within 8 hours a movement had been organized by a running organization that called for all runners in america to wear blue and yellow or a race shirt all week. With social media the word was quickly spread across the country and has a wide following amongst the running community. A day later the Boston Red Sox organized a B strong movement that was also immensely popular all over the country in a very short amount of time thanks to the spread of it through media outlets. In conclusion Mass Media does more good than harm in relation to such violent tragedy's because, while it does spread word of the crime and give it attention, it also brings thousands of Americans together in a strong show of support for all victims.

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