Monday, March 10, 2008

There is no pain; you are receding.

Music has always represented a positive part of my life. It is always there to comfort me and inspire me – a constant companion and a sweet relief from the less beautiful clamors of society. However, it was not until I witnessed live music that I realized the all encompassing influence and power of music as a form of connection.

Music transcends the individual psyche and forces one to become aware of what is around him. The stage lights take on a more brilliant glitter. The body moves in harmony with the beat. The musicians guide the audience to a plane of higher thinking, forcing it to realize its own humanity while inspiring it to soar. The audience becomes one – a mass of moving beings – reveling in its connectedness.

This connection that one feels in a performance is what Borgmann describes as realized information. It is physical and psychological, connecting us to reality through the embodiment of a structure, a score, or lack of one. More importantly, however, it connects us to each other.

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