Saturday, March 15, 2008

Distance learning is and always will be inferior to traditional learning

Before Spring Break, we watched a video in class which represents a fine example why distance learning will never completely replace traditional learning. The video was about the Automatic Professor Machine presented his virtual college/online class like it was a real college that has a traditional learning format. He mentioned that this college will eliminated that the traditional learning ideas of department builing and faculty. And that your home computer is supposed to represent everything what a traditional learning institution would offer. I remember towards the end of video that the virtual college even have their own mascot just like traditionl learning institution. He also said that his virtual college's cost of tutition will be the same as the average school that is set in a tradtional learning environment. The idea that this virtual school will lead to distance learning completely eliminating traditional learning is riduclous because distance learning can never replace the experience what you get from a tradtional learning enivornment. It is stupid to think that being on a computer all day can replace the wonderful experience of college life such as Fratnetry parties, sporting events, etc.

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