Monday, March 10, 2008

Meditation for the Masses

Ever since I started high school, I have been a fan of meditation. I find it to be a wonderfully liberating experience, relaxing the body and freeing the mind. However, I am ashamed to say that after starting college I began to skip my daily five-minute meditations, worrying instead about how to finish that paper or study for that test. One can imagine my shock, subsequently, when I discovered another way to meditate that involved one of my favorite pastimes – watching movies.

After watching the film Into Great Silence, I felt an overwhelming sense of calm. I was completely relaxed, attuned to everything. It was an amazing feeling, immersing oneself in the reality of the movie and the people it portrayed. After adapting to the originally uncomfortable silence, I found myself immersed in the lives of people who thrived in silence. Without doubt, it was an eye-opening experience.

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