Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Robot Stories response

In response to the robot stories movie, I found it to be quite interesting. The first one, entitled “Clay” didn’t really keep my attention but the second one surely made up for it. To think that some day we could have robots doing jobs all around the world. But then what would that leave for the lesser intelligent…humans? Would they take away our jobs? I also found it to be quite funny when all they had this genius robot doing was inputting some sort of data into a computer. I mean come on, he’s a robot! Just seemed like such a waste.

I don’t doubt this happening sometime in my life, but when…I don’t really think anyone could guess how soon. Technology is indeed rapidly advancing everyday but this is a totally different story. It’s something that seems unheard of right now, but when it happens, it probably will be like the iPod…anyone who’s anyone will have one.

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