Sunday, March 09, 2008

Merton and Borgman

"The reason for inner confusion and conflict is that our technological society has no longer any place in it for wisdom that seeks truth for its own sake, that seeks fullness of being, that seeks to rest in an intution of the very ground of all being." - Thomas Merton
When I read this quote from Thomas Merton all I could think of was Borgman and this class. It seems that Thomas Merton shares similar ideas on technology. Merton and Borgman would agree that technology is lessening meaning in our world. Now Merton and Borgman may be thinking of different technology (For Merton it is probably the television he was speaking of) but they both have similar opinions . Merton says that modern technology has made man callous and disillusioned. It is interesting that these two writings were done more than 35 years apart, in which numerous technological advances have been made but at the core of their writings they seem to be making the same points. Merton may be referring to television as this new modern technology that is changing the way people think. However this technology has become so common place it is seen as weird to not have one. I wonder if Borgman has read any of these works by Thomas Merton, and I wonder what Merton would have to say about our technology in 2008 as compared to 1968.

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