Saturday, March 29, 2008

Artificial Intelligence

In class we have recently been watching the movie artificial intelligence. In the movie the world supplies are running low because of global warming and therefore birth licenses need to issued in order to have a baby. Since many people want to have children, an institution decided that they were going to create a robot child that is capable of loving the parents. When the institution decided this a working questioned the company stating if the child could truly love the parents could the parents truly love the child. This question was not answered and the child was created. A couple whose kid was dying and the doctors said there was no hope of living was given the opportunity to have a robot child. The parents decided that they wanted this opportunity. However, this turned bad when the dying son made a miraculous recovery. The robot child wanted to be loved more than his mom actually did so he listened to her real son and ended up hurting the mom. The robot also did not know that he was hurting the real son when he feel into the pool with him. The look at the future is expressed in a pessimistic view. In the movie the father never really accepted the robot as his own son. The mother seemed to generally care for robot; however, when things got hard she was going to get rid of him. This symbolizes that the world could not generally care for something that is not actually human. The robot which is suppose to resemble a human, when it becomes a problem is thrown away like a piece of garbage.

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