Tuesday, March 11, 2008

journal #4

"This invention (writing) will produce forgetfulness is the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory." I believe that this couldn't be further from the truth. Writing things down helps me to remember, even if I loose the actual note that i wrote myself I would still be more likely to remember due to the fact that i wrote it down. Several people that I know study by writing their notes over and over, it seems to work pretty well for them but it might not work for everyone.
I think that forgetfulness is attributed to laziness not writing. Modern technology is increasing the laziness, forgetfulness is simply a reaction. Why would you want to actually remember something when you could make yourself a note on your computer or on your I-phone. People are more forgetful today because there is not accountability for there forgetfulness, not because of the increase in writing.

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