Thursday, March 13, 2008

natural information vs. information as reality

When trying to understand something such as different things in nature for example plants, and animals, there is different ways of understanding theses things and finding out information about them. Two ways that was compared and contrasted is finding it on the internet and finding it in nature itself. There something you need to think about when trying to find out information for yourself about things like animals and plants and that is which is going to be a more rewarding experience and who deeply do you want to understand it. The question today that we wrote about was what is the difference between going out in to nature and seeing a Carolina Rend and its nest and seeing it on the internet and trying to up tan information about it? The difference that you get from personally going out into nature and finding the nest and bird compared to just jumping on the computer and looking it up is that it is more rewarding to see it for yourself and understand how the nest is made by looking and holding it and how the bird lives and exist. This is natural information that you get out of it compared to the information as reality that is the information that you get from the computer itself when looking up something on the computer about the birds nest and about the bird itself you just find picture and facts about the bird which is nice but you still don’t get that rewarding experience that you get from watching the bird in its natural habitat an under standing it to a deeper understanding.

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