Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Journal #7

I would almost believe that the APM was real had I not be warned before that it was a fake. The idea isn't really that ridiculous, it would be fairly easy to set up a university that didn't actually exist other than a drop off box to place your test and other material and pick it up. Its similar to the idea of home schooling or online universities, they may not be as credible but are still legitimate. The APM could easily be used with general study courses to gain background knowledge on a subject, this would especially be true at larger universities where the general studies courses consist of lectures and 2 exams. Why could you not buy a book for that class at the midterm pick up your exam at the APM and return it a designated time and go through the same process for the final exam. The test could then be graded by an actual professor and as long as it was based off the text it would a fair practice. This could be considerably cheaper and with the rising cost of fuel in America could cut out students having to come to campus everyday. I think that the APM could be a very successful invention if handled in the correct manner.

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