Friday, March 14, 2008

Bodies Exhibit - My experience

I recently went to visit the Bodies exhibit at the Museum Center in Cincinnati with some friends of mine. When we arrived we were told that it would take us about two hours to view the entire exhibit and that of course all the bodies and organs where from real people. But it only took us an hour to complete the entire tour. When we reached the end I was shocked to realize it had only taken us that long and later I contemplated that thought. Why had it only taken us an hour? Where we jaded? Over exposed to blood and gory through movies, television, or the internet that those cleaned up blood-less bodies looked simply boring? As I think back on the tour I wish I would have taken more time to examine the bodies. It just didn't hit me that we were actually looking and someone. That had been a person, with a mom and a dad, maybe kids, who knows. And I'm not attacking the exhibit at all, thought it was fantastic, and as long as the bodies were obtained legally, then I have no problem. I just seemed as if the whole group was disintrested. That the bodies weren't exciting enough. I believe that was due to mostly to modern technology and the fact that we had seen all this stuff before, but in a more exciting setting. So seeing the bodies in posed positions really wasnt that "cool." Even thought the bodies were natural information, the previuos cultural information I had learned dulled my senses to the importance of what I was seeing. Perhaps Borgmann was right all along...

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