Saturday, March 22, 2008

Are Humans Human?

In class we watched two movies that I would like to tie together to make a point that it could one day be impossible to take a person and define them as human? In the movie Clay when a person was scheduled to die their essence was incorporated into a technological device. I wanted to know if when the person was transferred into a technological device if they are still considered human? It seems in the movie Clay the people that were incorporated could me at all places at all times. This seems like it would be great. However, when Clay was mad at his deceased wife he turned her off. She was transformed into the essence of a person then an actual person.
In the television series Star Trek in the episode What Makes A Man the question of Datas rights as a man hood was placed into question. The prosecution turned off Data like a piece of machinery. This is the same thing that happened to the wife in the Clay episode.
Would it then be impossible to take a classify what is a person and what is a machine?

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