Thursday, January 25, 2007


Telepresence what good does this do for us ? Honestly i dont thik any good becasue all it does is give humans more excuses not to expirience life to the fullest and also excuses to not be accountable for what we do. We already in todays society have problems with taking acount for our mistakes telepresence would even make it worse for todays society and alot easier. These telepresence connections would really be unmeaningful connections. This telepresence is a force that opposes our human nature which allows usto be human. It imits us ot not be able to communicate in a rich way like we would be able to do today face to face. There were many parts of this chapter that gopt me going a little bit but the one about the being present to be able to learn i agree with the most. I know from expirience that for myself in order to learn i need to be present when the teaching is present where as some people dont they can learn online but i dont thik that this is a very efficient way becasue i dont think the student can interact with other classmates and with the professor. Not only being present in the physical aspect you need to be present mentally. Being present mentally might be the most important part of learning. This is because being there mentally is where the information goes to when you hear it or see it. In conclusion when learing over the internet the student does not get the emphasis that a professor might put on a certain topic therefore the student will never know the importance of one topic from the other.

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