Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Telepresence Blog #3

After reading the chapter, ready to respond, I got already to have this discussion. However, the system had some glitch to where it took me 30 minutes to rectify. Thus, validating my opinion. While computers, and the various technology we have is wonderful it can also be very frustrating. I can hear below me, the kids laughing, and interacting. Meanwhile I am upstairs trying to get my blog account to update so I can actually communicate myself. So for me, I need the interaction. I need people. I also have to think of why I am pursuing my career and furthering my education is solely due to the fact of wanting to have interaction with people. We can also see in various studies where the fact that children and elderly adults who have not had human contact lack so many social skills, growth, and their personalities, confidence, demeanor, and overall being is dramatically effected. So we must live, we must interact with human beings. Without interaction, I know my life would be very unfulfilled.

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