Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Robot Stories

In response to the short film, Robot Stories, it is my belief that this form of electronic immortality is not only unnatural but unethical. Even if you do not belief in God or a higher power, logically there was some outside power which catalyzed the creation of earth and life. Such a complex form of living could not have formed out of no where without some outside intervention. It is my opinion that, we, as products or creations of that supernatural genius, do not possess the human right to take or give life. The potter, in this short film, realized the artificial nature of downloading his memory into a new body, and therefore blatantly refused conformity. Such a society in which legally you must participate in this practice is, in my opinion, corrupt and per say "overstepping human boundaries." Also the reality of death, in that it is inescapable, is a human motivator. Death reminds people that time on earth is precious and should be lived to the fullest. Endless existence downplays how precious and unstable life is, therefore living would be taken for granted if there was no way to take it away. Also what is life without sadness, sickness, pain, fatigue? These qualities, although negative are part of the human experience. Lastly if a person was to live forever, the world would most definitely take advantage of him. Without death there is no life, just existence and "drifting through the ages."

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