Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blog #2 Hyperlinks

As technology has continued to increase our patients as a modern day society has continued to decrease. That's what we view technology as a quicker more efficient way to achieve or get what ever it is we want. Such as what Dreyfus talks about, the use of the Internet and hyperlinks over going to the library. It's true the Internet is a lot less time consuming and more efficient in getting the information that is needed. Though there is still the advantages of going to the library, that being that the information you find will be of legitimate sources and state the facts. Were using the Internet can be risky, because unless you can type in exactly what your looking for or you're very good in weeding out the useless sites. The information from the Internet can be from illegitimate sources and state the opinions of others rather then the facts that are desired. The Internet is a large space for hyperlinks to find exactly what you are looking for which causes the finding of useless sites, but in the end libraries will almost certainly become non existent and computers will take its place.

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