Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I have never really thought about the alphabet and books being technology due to the wide arrange of technology our generation has. We seem to take for granted the great technology the past has given us and books and the alphabet has to be one of the greatest if not the greatest technology one person can have. It was interesting to see the different perspectives and viewpoints that both authors gave us and for me atleast it really opened my eyes because i never looked at books and the alphabet to be considered a piece of technology. People in our society seem to think that books and the alphabet are simple since we have been taught the alphabet so early in our lives and we are given books to read at such a young age that we see them and something plain and dull in our lives because we have so many new things. People tend to think that technology is an extremely complex piece of equipment that affects our daily lives. But if one thinks about it, to come up with books and the alphabet took many many years and trials that to people from the past, books and the alphabet was a huge achievement.

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