Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blog 1: Ivan Illich and Albert Borgmann Handouts

Albert Borgmann speaks of a process where one analyzes symbols into meaning. He calls this process realizing information. The ordinary person does not think of obtaining information as a process. We generally do not tell ourselves to take one step after another in order to absorb the information in front of us. Of course, these steps happen in quick succession. However, he brings these important steps to light. I found his explanation interesting. He begins at the mechanical areas where one has to scan the page, single out the words, and converte these words to sounds. Besides the mechanical work, he states comprehension is the next step for assimilating the information. The reader's comprehension is reflected by his or her intellect. Even thought his explanations seemed obvious while reading them, I did not give any thought to them before the article.

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