Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Disembodied Telepresence

This chapter of On the Internet really makes me believe that the internet will grow so much that we will be able to sit at home the entire day and accomplish everything, without moving from the computer.

Years ago, I could only imagine that one day you could order your groceries online. A couple months ago, I got an ad in the mail from Flick's Foods (A local grocery store in Hebron) and their new feature. You can now order your groceries online and just go through the drive thru at the store and your items will be placed in your car. I'm still surprised they haven't decided to just deliver them to your house for you. Sooner or later, a 5 minute drive to the grocery will be too much exercise for one day.

In my life, I can already see how my conversations with people have taken a change from using the internet so much. Instead of having an actual face-to-face conversation, I email, or IM, or even blog. Now I go out and try to have a conversation with a friend and I have to remind myself how to act or how "lol" won't work in a vocal conversation.

Yes I believe that one day the internet will give access to everything. Work, School, you name it. Everything will be accessible from it and there will be a sense of "telepresence."

1 comment:

jm said...

Try using "lol", "jk", "brb", etc. in conversation. It would be funny.