Saturday, January 13, 2007

Blog 2 reading on hyperlinks

the organization of the internet, especially hperlinks isnt something one normally thinks about. It is true as when one goes to a search engine that the return results that retrieve information are certainly not perfect. So this poses the question: is it better to use the internet to retrieve relevant information or to go to the library and use the old version of data retieval? to answer this question you have to take into account the meaninfulness of the information desired. Yes you want to retrieve info but how relevant is it? due to the sheer size of available information on the net. this makes this a daunting task even for a computer. especially since a computer must attempt to search for the info it is being asked for in a similar way human being search for info in a library. in order to do this the computer/database must be programmed to make assumptions that many humans take for granted when they search for info. The computer can not imagine things like we can, nor do they possess our common sense knowledge. Thus, this is why dreyfus says the most precise we can hope to achieve on a net search is 30% due to the differences between the human searcher and the artificial intelligence (computer) searcher. The internet is just a hard place to have organization to to its large amount of information and its concept of having the AI sercher in charge of data retrieval.

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