Thursday, January 25, 2007


I am not really a big fan of the internet beyond looking up information through the search engines and email. I believe that to really enjoy life you need to be hands on and experience things on your own. You need the interaction between yourself and other human beings to make life's experiences meaningful and personal. I don't like the idea of being disembodied and relying on the mind alone. I need to physically and mentally experience the world.
I feel the same way about the student and teacher relationship. To truly learn and understand a topic and to make the learning experience meaningful and useful in life beyond grades and school, you need to interact face to face. Teachers and students need to feed off of each other and learn valuable lessons from each other. You can't pick up the subtle cues like body language, gestures, voice inflections, and emphasis on certain topics that show you that a specific topic is important and relevant over the webcam and over the internet. You need to be present and get feedback from the environment.
The whole idea of doing internships and things over the internet is scarry. How can you master a skill and have confidence in performing a task that you have merely read about and learned facts on over the internet. If you do not physically try the task and take risks and deal with failure and achievement and get the experience that leads to success, how can you perform the task. For example, would you let a dentist drill on your teeth or perform a root canal if they had simply watched a professional on the internet but had never actually done one themself? I don't think so. That would be crazy and you would be very uneasy and uncomfortable.
In conclusion I do not like the idea of being disembodied and being involved in telepresence for the mere fact that physical experience and interaction is too important in life.

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