Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Final Exam Bog

February 10: MP3 vs. CDs
On my February 10 bog, “MP3’s vs. CDs: I argued that I prefer MP3 over the CD because it is cheaper obtain music it is to purchase a CD for 15 dollar. But this time I’m arguing why purchasing a CD is better than purchasing a MP3. For one reason buying a CD from the store is better than dealing with the risk of the RIAA giving you a hefty fine for downloading a couple songs. I know that the likelihood of getting busted by the RIAA police is very slim, but I heard stories of people getting caught downloading music from the internet. I remember one morning I was watching the local news hearing about that a 10 year old boy receiving a 10 thousand dollar fine for illegally downloading a few songs off the internet. This proves that the RIAA are so serious about people downloading songs illegally that they are willing to fine a little kid over a couple.
Another reason is that you might experience some technical difficulties downloading stores from internet sites such as iTunes, Napster, and Amazon. Some of my friends who actually download songs legal from these sites experience some technical difficulties when the downloader crashed. This usually occurs when they send an email to the sites in order to get them to unlock the album and allow them to redownload the songs. Another problem is that a big concern is that may ask you to retry again which might lead to the websites charging you double from the same song.
CDs are much better than MP3 player because if your computer crash or caught a virus then there’s a possibility of your music files being lost or destroyed. But with the CD, your music will be in storage. Even if your CD is scratch, you can purchase a CD cleaner for less than 40 dollar at your local Wal-Mart. The 3 benefits what CDs have over a MP3 player is that they gave you the archival copy, better sound quality, and the album art.

Distance learning is and always will be inferior to traditional learning : March 15
On this I argue that distance learning is and always will be inferior to traditional learning, but this I argue that distance learning better than traditional learning. One reason why distance learning is better than traditional learning is because you can do the distance learning online session on your computer at time of the day you prefer. Distance learning can make your schedule much more flexible by easily balancing it with other priorities such as work, leisure time, and take care of your family. Instead of sacrificing you work hours by attending 8 am class on chemistry you can do the chemistry class online on your free time. Another benefit of distance learning over traditional learning is that a school can downsize the number of faculty members which eliminate the cost a school have to pay for faculty members who some do a half-ass job in teaching. Also eliminate the cost to give salaries to faculty member won’t take a blow to the school’s budget.
Schools that chose distance learning over traditional learning won’t have to deal with the conflicts among student and faculty. Distance learning would reduce the likelihood of disgruntled teachers going on strike over the school not giving them a better salary. Distance learning is beneficial at the grade school level because the schools won’t deal with students skipping class, getting into fights, or smoking marijuana in the school’s restroom facilities. Schools wouldn’t have deal to with students who are labeled as outcasts, bringing an AK-47 or M-16 starting a World War II just because they have been a victim of ridicule from their local classmates or some their secret admirer rejected their offer to be the shooter’s date for the senior prom. “Does anybody remember Columbine High School or Virginia Tech?”

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