Wednesday, April 30, 2008


"I am cyborg". Kind of has a ring to it. Donna Haraway sees us all as cyborgs bc we eat technologically altered foods, take technologically produced vitamins, and wear tennis shoes. She presents a valid argument. While I do feel there is a strong difference between an athlete's training regimine and choice of footwear and steriod use, I do feel that most of her arguments make sense. Humans are constantly trying to become better. There comes a point when humans result to using technology as extensions of their own bodies. I believe that is the point when we all become cyborgs. We can extend our knowledge by surfing the web. We can extend our sense of touch by turning on a television screen. Even human error can be reduced by introducing complex machinery into operating rooms. Most of us cannot imaging being without cell phone and automobiles, but I believe that is what it would take to make us all less cyborg-ish.

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