Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pet Robot-Dog in Chevy Commercial

I was at the movie theatres the other day standing in line at the concessions stand when I noticed a television screen on the wall for people in line to watch. As odd as I thought this was, probably only because I don’t watch much television and I don’t see why so many people spend as much time watching it as they do, I watched it anyways when I was standing in line because I didn’t have anyone standing in line with me to talk to. Once again, since I don’t watch much television, I don’t know if this commercial is common or not, but I saw a commercial that made a clear connection with some of our discussions in class for which I will have the think provided below. It was a car commercial where when the car stops, a robot dog is sitting in the back with the child, and he sticks his head out the window and interacts with a deer. Although I’m sure the robot dog was not the main thing being advertised in the commercial, the fact that people are comfortable enough with the idea and the fact that people also feel as if robots are now common enough, to replace pets even in advertisements caught my attention.
Not only that, but I found it also very interesting that not only are the humans accepting this robot dog so easily as if it is a real pet, but the deer the robot dog interacts with seems to be interested in it, but also seems to regard it as another animal. To me, this symbolizes an acceptance of technology into nature, and in a way it does seem like that’s an underlying theme of the commercial, because they’re trying to convince you that the car rides so smooth and is so quite that it won’t even disturb nature, because the deer comes right up to the car. The commercial, in a way, is portraying technology as something that is conforming to nature, which in my opinion is very contradicting.

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