Sunday, February 03, 2013

A.I. Reflection

Personally, I find it very hard to imagine humans having a sexual, robot companion. Yes, I'm sure we will be able to create robots that can mirror human appearance, reactions, expressions, etc; so I assume it will be possible to become physically and mentally attracted to a robot. But, I feel as if we would not be fully committed to one. I don't believe that all of us could overlook the fact that the robot is not a human. It is a machine. It is hard to imagine having sex with a machine. It would not be the same as having a real human "with" you. So, as of right now, that part of A.I. is too far fetched for me.
The child robot is actually very conceivable, though. It would, clearly, not be the same; but it is possible for a human to become attached to a robot. It would be hard for our minds to separate (the A.I.) robots from humans in a physical or mental way because they are so human-like. Again, I believe that we would not be as attached to a robot as we would be to a human. A world of humans intertwined with robots is just hard to imagine at this point. Maybe my mind will change if robots ever become common, household items.

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