Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Alive or Not

Turkle talks about a toy referred to as a Furby. She talks about how children now feel that these things are acutely alive because of how real they seem. These things "need" various things or else they show a sort of emotion, similar to what a human might do. When I was a kid I had a Furby, but not nearly as advanced as the ones now a days. It still needed various things like the one now but not as much emotion was involved. I also had a tamagotchi growing up. These had to be fed and bathed and things and if they weren't taken care of correctly they would die and the game would start over. When mine would die, I would say it died it I wouldn't actually think it died like a human would die. These children that Turkle talks about would describe the Furby as alive and capable of love and death. 

I think that this is alarming for the future. If children can't distinguish between alive and not alive, the world is in trouble. 

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