Friday, February 08, 2013

A.I. Reflection

When we watched "A.I." in class, I thought about several things.

First off, I loved the dismal, dystopian feel of the movie, and I thought it was extremely thought provoking. It really contrasted the optimism of the human spirit and its use of technology with true human nature and how it tries to control everything. Not only that, but the juxtaposition of the main character who is a child and his teddy bear while trying to understand the dark, brutal, and authoritarian world around them makes for a very, very interesting take on the future presented within the movie.

This raises the question though: why WOULD people want to have robotic children instead of normal children? Isn't the whole point of a child to raise it and watch it grow into an adult..? Isn't that what the main rewards of it are??

I CAN understand, however, the appeal of robotic toys, robot servants, or sex robots... they replace many aspects of our society that humans would rather have quick, and easy rewards for. I feel like if singularity is going to be achieved, it is going to be through robots that provide services, such as being a servant, being a toy/playmate, or being a romantic/sexual companion.

Overall very interesting movie. I quite enjoyed it.

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