Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First part of Alone Together

Now that we have completed the first part of Turkle's "Alone Together", I have a vastly different understanding of our growth in technology. I was aware that we, as a society, had made monumental gains in technology, but was not even close to grasping all the things machines were capable of and what us people are trying to get them to be able to do. Personally, it scares me to think that humans are making machines to do things that humans themselves are capable of doing. What does that say about us as a species? How far are we going to allow techonology to grow? What will happen to the jobs that humans once did that will be replaced by machines? This should scare us that the machines being made are so capable of grasping out attention and affection that even the people constructing the machines fall for their "true" existence.

1 comment:

Cody Makin said...

I agree with you that it is scary that humans are making machines to do things that humans themselves can do. It is already happening today and we are experiencing the effects. Jobs are already being moved from the US to small third world countries for lower wages. This has also been a problem for years on the assembly line. The question we have to ask though is, "What is more important, keeping jobs here and doing it ourselves, or being a more efficient country who can flourish in productivity." The other possibility is being left behind by countries like China and Japan who are full fledged into developing their technology to be more efficient and productive. We need to understand the implications of creating robots and maybe think before we develop.