Friday, February 05, 2010

Neat Neurological Advances

Nueroscience is drastically going to change our future. It sounds ridiculously science-fictiony to say we (yes, this generation) will be capable of being truly cybornetic. Most people don't have access to several of the interesting publications, or news articles, or videos relaying the gravity of the new paradigm that is on the horizon, in the next decade, maybe 20 years.
This link gives important graphs of changes that indicate growth into the singularity.
The model of a cat brain. The human brain just requires more computers.
BBC Did a 48 minute special on the topics of cybornetics, very insightful and covers a variety of topics and miles stones.
An short engaging conversation with an electrical engineer who founded PALM computing and study theoretical neuroscience.
Brain Prostethics.
Brain Scans to read thoughts.
Computer Simulation of human brain, neuron for neuron.
Robotic prosthetics that are delicate enough to pick up chocolates out of a box.

These are only some examples of the massive amounts of research being funded around the world. Most people bat away the possibilities as simply sci-fi but this list of websites is just to get a glimpse of the strenght and momentum of the things that are to come. Just like the internet revolutionized the world, wheather or not your camera phone is part of your cerebal cortex may t be the big thing for our grandchildren, and whether or not we will be at the end of our lives is well, a different discussion.

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