Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 3 Entry

In the beginning of his book, Borgman discusses wat he sees as the 3 types of information. He discusses how the first two types, natural and cultural, build upon each other, enhance each other, and inform each other. However, he observes that the third type of information, technological, does not follow the same pattern. He argues that technological information has begun to replace or become reality, instead of informing or enriching reality as the other 2 types do. He believes that we have begun to replace reality with technilogical information. We would rather look at a website about te natural world than actually go outside and experience it, or at least Borgman fears that we will soon if we follow the path we are on now. It was brought up in class that his fear of this happening is unnecessary because the natural world will always be there for us to see if we wish to experience it. However, I believe that Borgman has a valid point. His fear is not that our technology will destroy the natural world, but that it will remove our desire to experience nature when we can look at pictures of it from the comfort of our own homes. I have to admit that as time goes on, I spend more and more time on my computer, and less time outdoors just enjoying nature. Borgman's fear of nature being replaced by the world of technological information , in my opinion, is a very valid one.

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