Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Journal # 3- “Ancestral Information”

Borgmann discusses in Chapter 3 about this thing call the Ancestral Information/ environment too some who see this word they wonder what it is and it is simple the information that is archived through nature. The different signs that nature gives us such as the example that we talk about in class with the birds nest near the water well that mean these birds live around water sources because that’s where their food sources live at. Borgmann says that “what we know of the ancestral environment and its inhabitants comes from the late and final stages of evolution, from hunting and gathering cultures that give us the earliest complete picture of the human condition. Which from what I think he is saying is that this way of gathering information, through watching nature is what late human learned how to live and basically survived. the information that I learned through hiking in the woods or going back packing through red river gorge is much more rewarding than for example getting on the computer and looking up the way the environment works. The way you learn from the environment vs. learning from a computer is two completely different things and I feel that more people need to get off the computer and go out in to nature and experience nature it self for themselves.

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