Saturday, January 19, 2008

Journal 1: Ever-changing technology

Today, people seemed to be so consumed with the things around them. Primearily by technology. Every single day it seems as if technology is growing faster and faster. With less and less human interaction and more and more technology in people's lives, it beings to make one wonder where the world is headed.

Technology seems to be making things so much easier, but in reality it just seems to be making society lazier. Being able to do remotely just about anything at the click of a mouse may seem nice, but we rely on these fancy new gadgets and the internet way too much. Despite the bad things that technology seems to contribute to, a lot of good has come out of it as well. It can make life easier for people who are less fortunate and with email, you can contact just about in the world.

I believe that things like the internet and other technology are being taken advantage of way too much. A time where textbooks were used regularly and a world without popular search engines like google guiding america's youth seems so far away.

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