Monday, January 14, 2008

Journal 1

As the world becomes more dependent on computers, we are loosing everyday contact with other people. We can sit at a computer virtually anywhere and have anything we can imagine at our fingertips. We can shop on-line and avoid the mall. We can pay bills on line and e-mail our friends and avoid the post office. Even when we go out to places like the grocery store and gas station we can mostly avoid having to talk to another person. Self-check lanes and pay at the pump allow for this. When was the last time you called a company and were greeted by an actual person. It is great to have all the things that make our busy lives more convenient, but it is really scary that one could go through live and easily avoid people. Will we eventually live in a world that forgets how to communicate with a breathing person, and only be able to relate to computers? It is definitely something to think about.

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