Monday, January 28, 2008

Journal Entry 3

Last thursday in class, we discussed how techique is a way of organizing the world that we live in. In the book, borgmann discussed how cognitive information is focus for phyisology, psychology, and cognitive science. In the age of technology, the tool have their own justification. The raising issue today is that should the government regulated certain technological advances?
I believe that the government make regulations including biotechnology. One of my reasons is that biotechnology can get in the hands of the wrong people and they can use it as a threat to the country.
In the book, Borgmann mentioned if information and reality can coexist with each other. In order to answer that question you have to explain the kinds of information. Natural information is about reality which consists of signs. We as human beings are living in a world can realize certian objects, you have obtain information economy of sign and presence. Cultural information is information for reality. This allows you to do or make something. According to Borgmann, the new way of thinking can threatens information.
I remember in the class, we concluded that the way of people used language is damaged by computers. Today, more and more adsolescents are giving worse in grammar and spelling due to text messaging, instant messaging, and facebook. Although replacing some words such as "you", "are", and "the the with "u", "r", and "da" is good when saving money and time on text messages, it cause people to write or type in unintelligent language. Another consequence is that it increase the nation's illiteracy rate.

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