Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Journal 2

We discussed in class the possibility of our entire existence being fabricated by machines. Specifically, the theory suggests that there is a 20% chance that we live in some sort of Matrix-like world. This is positively the most absurd theory we’ve discussed yet. Even though we could we never scientifically test such a theory, some people have somehow come up with a numeric probability directly related to it. How could someone possibly prove this or even make a rough estimate? There’s virtually no evidence to work with other than a popular science fiction movie. Statements like these can’t really be proven or refuted. It’s basically a matter a faith; a belief fabricated by man. You either believe it or you don’t and no one will ever be able to prove it. I can’t refute this theory scientifically, but I do have enough common sense to know that this is just a result of watching the Matrix too many times. Ideas like these are just a waste of brain power; however they do show just how creative the human brain is. In my opinion, whoever first thought this to be a possibility probably figured that if we can’t prove it wrong, then it must be a valid statement worthy of looking into. The obvious truth is that this idea is completely imagined. We’re the creators; the machines work for us and this is not likely to change.

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