Thursday, January 24, 2008

In the second chapter of Dreyfus’s book, “On the Internet”, the discussion of whether or not distant learning is appropriate was mentioned. Through the levels of learning Dreyfus states that the stages of Novice and Advanced Beginner can be learned in distant learning after that the learning must be done face to face in a classroom. The reason is the knowledge of material being discussed needs to be taught and then the behavior needs to be mimicked.
I agree with Dreyfus on his opinion of distant learning needing to be learned after stage two in a classroom. It is not likely that we can get similar knowledge of how to complete a task or tasks by reading it on a computer screen. It is true that the basics can be read but how much easier is it to lets say prepare a complicated cooking dish after watching someone complete it compared to reading word for word from a cook book. I see the point of learning being able to be done on a computer and not face to face but I also see how much is learned or gained when seeing the lesson taught and or demonstrated.

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