Monday, January 28, 2008

David Lynch, The Matrix, and My 3rd Post

I've come to realize something. Every class period we've talked about the same thing: Technology and how it's taking over our lives. Every lecture boils down to the fear that technology is just chugging along, becoming better and stronger. David Lynch is angry that you can watch movies on the iPhone, we've addressed the possibility of living in a Matrix-like world, and that tech seems to have a "life" of its own. The fear seems to be that through technology we will destroy our reality and ourselves.

Kind of bleak, if you think about it. Just imagine it: One day you're listening to that iPod, rocking out to whatever teenybopper music you sold your soul to, then BAM! Your head's rolling across the parking lot. They've invaded! The machines have taken control! Arnold Schwarzenegger and his robotic brethren have come to enslave us!

At least, that's what our textbooks want us to believe. Aren't there any other downsides to technology? Aside from the MySpace closet cases living out the rest of their days in cyber space. Really though, would it be such a loss to lose those mouthbreathers?

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