Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jacking In

The idea that technology will overtake reality is an intriguing one. I think that there are more and more people everyday who can't live without technology. Look at all the people hardwired into their ipods, their cellphones, their laptops, etc. Sure, we don't know if this is just simple recreation or if it has become "necessary" for their existence. Some people just can't bear to tear themselves away from tech for more than two minutes.

After all, how many people actually read anymore? When is the last time YOU went to a library? Was it to actually get a book and, if so, is it because you wanted the book for recreational reading or for an assignment? Most likely you used the library for a computer or to rent a DVD. Libraries have become nothing more than glorified Blockbusters, where people can walk in to rent free movies.

The truth is that technology is, in many ways, starting to overtake reality. MySpace, Facebook, iTunes: each is a way to escape from the waking world. In small doses, sure, they can't really be harmful. But how long before your entire life is played out in the digital realm?

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