Thursday, February 22, 2007

Will our emotions betray us

Dear Society Members,
I can see the future as it unfolds around us. No longer do we need the Nazis turning our families against us. Now we can bring people in to the hospital for their yearly checkup and learn what they're thinking and put them into the concentration camp before they do something against the state. We will look at what they are thinking about our government and determine if they have any revolutionary ideas. We can also look into their thoughts about their fellow man. Maybe they are looking with lust at their neighbors wife. We know by our research that 58% of all men who are thinking these thoughts about another man's wife will make inappropriate advances sometime in the future. These advances undermine the very core of our society and we few have looked at the Constitution and have decided that it gives us preemptive status in these matters. We have consulted our lawyers and the best way to handle this matter is by chemical castration during their quarterly vitamin insert. This will ensure that they have no knowledge that an action has been taken place and we will remain a secret society as always. Our forefathers have dreamed about this very thing from the beginning. It is clearly evident in the Declaration of Independence that they wanted us to protect the society from these rogue individuals. We have developed the technology for this very purpose.

Concerning the upcoming election, we may need to focus on the oppositional candidates and bring them in early for their physical to determine whether they need incarceration or cancellation. Although incarceration is the preferred public choice in these matters, the cancellation of their life status will remove any possibility of their infecting the rest of the country.

Thank you for your time in these matters. As always, I remain your faithful servant.

David Honaker
Sons of Founding Fathers
PS Don't forget that your yearly checkups are due next month. Have a nice day.

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