Saturday, February 17, 2007

Blog 5

Even though I found this last chapter of Ihde a bit confusing, I was able to draw some conclusions. Such as the glasses he describes. when we first put on glasses we notice them as they reshape the world in which we have experiences. However, over time we embody this technology to the point we dont even notice them unless we lack the technolgy which is very much similar to Heidegger's hammer. Same thing with the telephone... when we use the telephone our bodies take on a sense of embodiment through the phone and it seems as though the person we are talk9ing with is rightt there beside us even though in actuality they may be half way around the world. Just like Ihde has mentioned before, our technologies relate us to our world by the I-technology-world or other times, I-(technology-world). but again I found this chapter very confusing.

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